Sunday, May 15, 2011


Today we will Know inside the ram component with Inside the computers and I believe step by step we will know deeper and deeper.

Physically, PC component which call RAM is one of the small and simple component, compare with another PC component. If we see it, it’s only a piece of small PCB with some of black component with the contact point, so the memory cans interaction with the motherboard. Here it is the component!

PCB (Printed Circuit Board)
Mostly, PCB board has green color. On this PCB the memory chip component is installed. This PCB is has a few layer and on the outside layer has a circuits to transport the electricity and the data. So if we use as theory, much more the layer on the PCB so there is possibly the PCB has many circuits or track. This situation makes the memory module more stable and faster the performance. That’s why some of the memory product point on the number of layer on the PCB.

It’s use to know with contact finger, edge connector or lead. When the memory module installed on the memory slot on the motherboard, this is the part who connecting the information between motherboard to and from memory. On the contact point which has hundreds of points, is dividing with specific line and we use to know as notch. The main function of notch is to prevent if we put or installed memory with the wrong direction. For the example, DDR module has notch distance about 73 mm from the front of the PCB, and DDR2 has notch distance at 71 mm from the front of PCB. For the SDRAM is much easier, we can easily know the different because SDRAM has 2 notch on the contact point.

DRAM (Dynamic Random Access Memory)
The black component installed on the PCB, this is what we call DRAM. We call it dynamic because they only keep the data on the short period and has to refresh with short period too.

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