Saturday, May 21, 2011


The questions how to install IPTables on Linux will explain here by Inside The Computers, and here we are with the explanations.
IPTables is easy to install in your Linux machine. There is two components that you have to pay attention in providing IPTables facility on your computer. First you have to see and know, are this facility ready or not in operating system you used. Or in other words, is there any kernel module to activate this facility? Kernel configuration is one of the important points that you have to check first.

To run this IPTables facility which is so sophisticated and complete, you need at least a linux kernel version 2.4.x or more. Because inside those kernels already been ready, and we just activated it. This kernel version is the absolute thing that we have to pay attention. If the version below 2.4.x, there is might be that IPTables can be run but that not recommended.

IPTables module in kernel, is part of framework Net filter in kernel 2.4.x. This module can give you the ability of filtering and manage from in or out IP packet. Don’t be fool by the abbreviations or acronym the Net filter with IPTables itself. So many of us assume that Net filter is the same with IPTables, but the fact is Net filter is a group of script and programming modules in the kernel level and forming a system. Later this system will do the task around the inside and out packet from and to the network. Those modules inside the Net filter can do so many things to that packet.

Drop it, change the direction, make them in the lineup, or just let them pass. All of those thing can be done by Net filter including the modules. One if that module is IPTables.

In the installation process and activate the IPTables facility, we need other supporting modules that also installed to our computer. Those modules has minimum limited version which can cooperate with IPTables. The supporting modules and minimum version which can activated the IPTables is;
•    GNU C 2.91.66
•    GNU Make 3.77
•    Binutils
•    Util-linux 2.10o
•    E2fsprogs 1.19
•    Reiserfsporgs 3.x.0b
•    Pcmcia-cs 3.1.21
•    PPP 2.4.0
•    Isdn4k-utils 3.1 pre1
we will continue this post tomorrow with the same topics but full with the pictures (The step of installation)

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