Yesterday suddenly the PC on the office is Error, the PC wont display to the monitor and there is beep sound when I turn on the PC. What they worry about is not the PC but the data inside it. I do understand how much valuable the data for the office, for the factory. So, they call me to repair the PC at the office.
After I open the computer case and clean all the board and everything inside the PC case, including VGA Card, Sound Card, LAN Card using a brush, wait for few minutes and install all the hardware that I removed before properly to the board then I turn the PC on.
The result is, the PC is now cured, the PC is now display to the monitor again, in other words there is no problem with the PC now. So, what is the problem that make the PC wont display and have a beep sound? Sometimes we only use the computer without take care of it. We don't clean it frequently, we doesn't know if the dust is can make rust and do a damage to the PC. So, Inside The Computers will give you an advise, why don't we Clean The Computers Frequently from the dust.
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